
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Education -Commercialization

Education as a whole is a part and parcel of life. In every sector now a day’s it has become as prime requisite.

In the past, education system was very precious, knowledge giving and beneficiary to each and every class. But now a days the education awareness programs were improved but the procurement of the education has became very costlier because of the commercialization in the managements.

People, if opt for government organizations they are not renovating the existing system and the facilities are very poor.

So common man opinion is that government should take certain step which regulates the managements to down the fees rate. So that every one can go for the education.

Private Schools - Fees Hike

It was told that education is for every citizen, starts from childhood to old age, starts from village to city. In olden days people use to get the free education and that too with good quality.

But seeing the current trend in the market, education became commercial. This making the competition between institutions rather increasing the quality and made education to every one.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Role of Software Architecture

Software Architecture is an process to tell the success of the project.
It means the performance, reliability, productivity, timeliness etc...

The role starts from kick-off of the project till the end of the project cycle. As an architect usually concentrates on the the following areas.

1. What is the client expectations
2. What is the Business functionality
3. How well the business is understood
4. How the high level design is done
5. Prepare well Low Level Designing for the High level designing
6. Choose the technology to deliver the right inputs (Windows or Web or Smart client applications)
7. Choose the Source control like Team Foundation Server
8. Plan the Project Management system
9. Design the layered Architecture, it may be 3-tier or n-tier
10. Choose the Service Oriented Architecture
11. Analyze the risk management
12. Timely output

Monday, April 26, 2010

How can one make others aware of Nature / Environment

Every one has awareness to make good things around the society, but some people do not realize and they do mistakes regularly polluting the nature. I have my opinion to change those people.

One cannot change all the people in one time anyway. But our actions can change them a lot. When you see that the persons who are throwing the trash on the road, polluting the water and air or doing something that is not good, instead of telling them that they are wrong, initiation should come from our side, we should go straight to the trash, pick it up and throw it in the dustbin. And do first water harvesting at your house. Make sure that others and neighbors see it.

Do it continuously. I know that this will take time. In many cases, it will take unto many months. But finally, the person will feel deeply ashamed when other people see that you are such a nice person and he is such a bad guy and one day, will get converted into a nice person.

Believe me this is the only method that will help you change the person who does badly to the nature and environment

Rainwater harvesting is the final solution

In my last 5 years analysis, never ending population growth and at same time existing water resources are coming down. People just want their home and industry needs to be fulfilled, they not bother about the cutting the trees and saving the water.

I saw one place where in last 2 years all the community occupied a small natural lake and built the houses. Now every one is facing the water scarcity. My concern is how the next generation will drink the water, I am totally disturbed whenever I think about the decreased water levels.

So every one should decide to do something about the scarcity of water; they must plan to construct a rainwater harvesting system at an every house...

Much of India is plagued by a shortage of water. In most of the country, it rains for just about 100 hours a year, and all within one season, making water conservation and storage challenging. The city of Hyderabad, located on the dry Deccan Plateau, receives even less rainfall. As a consequence, every drop of water counts.

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting rainwater and either using it directly or letting it absorb into the soil to increase the groundwater level. Rainwater often flows unused into drains and either evaporates or pools, causing flooding and soil erosion. Instead, rainwater harvesting systems direct the water to collect in a container, or absorb evenly into the soil, increasing the groundwater levels. These systems, which can range from an upright water-collection barrel to a pit in the ground, can also provide water for land irrigation, flushing toilets and washing laundry. Rainwater harvesting is a cost-effective way to collect and utilize water.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to delete an TFS Project

The existing team project can be permanently deleted by using "TFSDeleteProject" Application which resides in the
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE"

Run the file in command prompt and type the
"TFSDeleteProject Server\Server Name Team Project Name”

The good practice is those avoid deleting the project frequently, and make sure about the requirements before creating the project

Is it possible to switch from one process template to other (MSF Agile to MSF Cmmi and viceversa..)

No it is not possible to switch the process template from one to another once the team project is created.

Because whenever the team project is created with CMMI or Agile process templates it will configure default classifications (areas and iterations), default security groups and permissions of the process elements, this will be been defined based on the selected process template.
If the users still wish to begin (Change) using the MSF Agile template or MSF CMMI template, my advice is to begin fresh, with a new project.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Code Analysis and Code Coverage

Code analysis analyzes manages the managed code and reports information about the assemblies, such as violations of the programming and design rules set forth in the Microsoft .NET Framework

The analysis represents the checks it performs during an analysis as warning messages which identify any relevant programming and design issues and, when it is possible, supply information about how to fix the problem.

It is good practice to make sure to follow run code analysis as part of check-in policy.

Code coverage analysis is a process for developers. Its main mission is to find areas of a program not exercised by a set of test cases. This does functional testing which compares test program behavior against a requirements specification.

So, we can build an application to specify what projects to build, what triggers a build to run, what automated tests to run, and where to deploy the output. After the build runs, data about the build results is stored in the warehouse, where it is available to view through build reports.

With Team Foundation Build, you can create build definitions to automate compiling applications, running associated tests, performing code analysis, doing code coverage, releasing continuous builds, and publishing build reports.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Microsoft released Visual Studio Team Foundation Server everywhere 2010

It's glad to hear that Microsoft has released Visual Studio Team Foundation Server everywhere 2010 on April 12th. This is an advantage to all the community working on non windows operating system and who works on the command line utilities. So this version gives all the features such as source control, bug tracking system, project management. It includes the popular Plug-in for Eclipse and cross-platform command-line clients for Team Foundation Server

Previously in my blog, I was suggested the java teams to use the teamPrise product for using the TFS features., So we wait how the new one will be feasible to the teams.

Bhargava Vangapally

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How do Java teams working with RAD IDE can use this Teamprise?

Yes, developers can perform all of their source control, bug tracking, build, and reporting operations from within Eclipse-based IDEs, such as Rational Application Developer, JBoss, BEA Workshop, and Adobe Flex Builder.

Bhargava Vangapally (vanBhargava)

Microsoft/TeamPrise Licencing

Question is that does it come with Microsoft license for that? or a separate license is required?

In the coming days Teamprise products will be incorporated into Visual Studio, Microsoft is incorporating these tools into Visual Studio 2010 release. Developers will have a choice between jointly purchasing the Teamprise Client Suite along with Team Foundation Server 2010, or subscribe to MSDN as the portal will feature Teamprise Client Suite as part of the subscription. Developers already owning MSDN subscriptions will see the new solutions added when they become available.

The new product will be priced at $799 (USD) and will support a large portion of the Team Foundation Server 2010 feature compatible with 2005 and 2008 versions. This product will also include one (1) Team Foundation Server Client Access License (CAL). The new product will also be included as an MSDN subscription benefit for customers with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with MSDN.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Net 3.5 introduces the Entity Framework Model

Previously developers use to create the database schema and then do operations on database. Under the architecture DAL to do all the DDL and DML operations for business, and good practice to not to write the inline queries in the frontend to do manageability.

Do you that that without writing the views, functions, stored procedures etc. can we do business applications. Yes we can do it, now .Net 3.5 introduces the entity framework model which specifies the conceptual model of the data via the Entity-Relationship data model, which deals primarily with Entities and the Relationships they participate.

Entity Data Model in Visual Studio initially generates a 1:1 (one to one) mapping between the database schema and the conceptual schema in most of the cases. In the relational schema, the elements are composed of the tables, with the primary and foreign keys gluing the related tables together.

So this generates the contexts to the entire database schema using the entity model. So whenever to talk to database, call the object contexts. And other benefit is that until and unless execute the call; system doesn’t try to connect to database.

This makes the less code and high performance of the transactions. With the single line of code developer can do all the DDL and DML operations.

So why late, start using the entity framework…

Oh Ohh, I forgot to say that .Net 4.0 introducing the feature to create database schema using the entity data model like Ervin tool from Computer Associates. So depend on the business designing (Entity relationships) the entity model, then click once to create the perfect database depend on the schema. So this hears happy to all developers.

So do you think that Microsoft is making people to fold their hands with the latest tools which making unaware of basic and fundamental stuff.

Actually in my opinion, now we should not think about “How to do”, think about “What to do”, all other will be provided by vendors.