
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Net 3.5 introduces the Entity Framework Model

Previously developers use to create the database schema and then do operations on database. Under the architecture DAL to do all the DDL and DML operations for business, and good practice to not to write the inline queries in the frontend to do manageability.

Do you that that without writing the views, functions, stored procedures etc. can we do business applications. Yes we can do it, now .Net 3.5 introduces the entity framework model which specifies the conceptual model of the data via the Entity-Relationship data model, which deals primarily with Entities and the Relationships they participate.

Entity Data Model in Visual Studio initially generates a 1:1 (one to one) mapping between the database schema and the conceptual schema in most of the cases. In the relational schema, the elements are composed of the tables, with the primary and foreign keys gluing the related tables together.

So this generates the contexts to the entire database schema using the entity model. So whenever to talk to database, call the object contexts. And other benefit is that until and unless execute the call; system doesn’t try to connect to database.

This makes the less code and high performance of the transactions. With the single line of code developer can do all the DDL and DML operations.

So why late, start using the entity framework…

Oh Ohh, I forgot to say that .Net 4.0 introducing the feature to create database schema using the entity data model like Ervin tool from Computer Associates. So depend on the business designing (Entity relationships) the entity model, then click once to create the perfect database depend on the schema. So this hears happy to all developers.

So do you think that Microsoft is making people to fold their hands with the latest tools which making unaware of basic and fundamental stuff.

Actually in my opinion, now we should not think about “How to do”, think about “What to do”, all other will be provided by vendors.

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