
Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to undo another user’s checkout in TFS?

here are at least 2 different ways to do this:

Command Line

There is a command-line utility called Tf.exe that comes with Team Explorer. Find the documentation here. It can be accessed by launching a Visual Studio Command Prompt window. The syntax of the command is:

tf undo [/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]]
[/server:servername] [/recursive] itemspec [/noprompt]

Example: tf undo /workspace:noxad_ws;noxad $/project/abc.cs


The second is via the GUI, but does not come standard - you have to install the TFS Power Tools. See here for details on how to use this method.

Keep in mind that with either method you will need the appropriate rights. The permissions are called "Undo other users' changes" and "Unlock other users' changes". These permission can be viewed by:

  1. Right-clicking the desired project, folder, or file in Source Control Explorer
  2. Select Properties
  3. Select the Security tab
  4. Select the appropriate user or group in the Users and Groups section at the top
  5. View the "Permissions for [user/group]:" section at the bottom

Friday, June 25, 2010


TFSDeleteProject does not delete source but only marks it for deletion. TFSDestroy command physically. Even it destrys the deleted files which are marked as deleted when used by tfsdelete.

To use the TFSDeleteProject AND destroy command, you must belong to the Team Foundation Administrators security group

C:\ tfsdeleteproject

C:\ tfs destroy

using the above commands you can delete the files, branches etc...


Everyone within your organization (but without tfs cal) can access Web Access in free mode, called WIOV, allowing them to create, view and edit their own work items.

Work item only view – WIOW is a restricted version of team web access – TWA, used when the user should view only creation / edition / history of working items.

This WIOW so called as WORK ITEM WEB ACCESS – WIWA. And it was being installed as a virtual directory under TWA 2008 (http://tfshost:8090/wiwa).

TWA meaning that there is a single entry point for both TWA and WIOV (http://tfshost:8080/tfs/web). The new behavior is based on a new TFS application-level permission called “Use full Web Access features”. If the user connected to TWA is denied for this permission, the application switches automatically to the WIOV.

In TFS administration, add the “Work Item Only View” users group -> set permission to “user level web access” to select.

Unable to connect to TFS server in Test Manager 2010

First time after installing TFS 2010 in the machine, when try to connect Test Manager 2010 to TFS 2008 project, throwing error that “Unable to connect to server , Check the server name is correct and that you have access to the server”.

Even after trying as the project administrator, same problem repeated. After going through some stuff it was know that TFS 2010 test manager cannot use the TFS 2008 features, because TFS 2008 doesn’t have the Test and lab features. So, TFS 2008 doesn’t have the test and lab features that are included in TFS 2010.

Solution: upgrade the server to TFS 2010 in order to connect from the client.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Four Priniciples of Reaching Enlightenment

1. "Prajnaanam Brahma"

Prajnaanam Brahma expresses the truth of universal consciousness as Supreme Divinity. This is expressed in the indirect third person or a generalized, unparticularised declaration of the highest truth-wisdom. It is called Svaruupa Lakshana Vaakya or the statement defining the very nature or essence of Brahman - the Light Supreme. The dawn of this wisdom signifies living in Saalokyam - in the all-embracing spiritual consciousness. Sah + lokya: The one who is to be fully comprehended and its realization is expressed as "I am in the light of supreme consciousness". The light enveloping the individual and every other entity in the cosmos is Prajnaanam - the illumination of total awareness.

2. “Ayam Aathma Brahma”

Ayam Aathma Brahma brings us close to Divinity. It is thus comparable to Saameepya Mukthi, which is the state where we are freed from worldly thoughts and when all thoughts dwell only on the Divinity Supreme. This declaration revolves around the meditation on Thejas as the illuminating Shiva Consciousness. "That Light is in Myself'- is the ineffable experience of a spiritual practice called, Jyothir Dhyaana; internalising the vision of the radiant Sadhaa-Shiva-Principle or Linga installed within oneself.

3. Thath Thvam Asi (Thou art That)

The spiritual aspirant for liberation or Mumukshu is directly addressed in the second person singular case and told, in no uncertain terms, that, he and the Divinity are one and the same. It corresponds to the realization that, the Light of Supreme Divinity and the Light of Consciousness within are identical: "I and the Light are the same". Thath Thvam Asi is symbolised by the Jnaana Lingam, the high water mark of realizing the supreme knowledge or Brahma Vidhya. It is repeated nine times - nine being the representation of Parabrahma so that one is established firmly in the conviction that he is not the body, not the senses, not the mind, not the bundle of Vaasanas or the ego-self He is nothing but Divinity, The Supreme Self

4. Aham Brahma Asmi

It is then stated that Brahman knew Itself as "I am Brahman" "Aham Brahmaasmi". When It knew Itself as Brahman, It became the Supreme All in All "Thasmaath Thath Sarvamaabhavath". Then, the Upanishath declares that the one who realizes the import of this great truth becomes himself the All-in-All. It is so even now with respect to the demi-Gods, Rishis and humans. Even the demi-Gods cannot prevent the human from becoming this All-in-All, for the human Self has become their own Self! In terms of the analogy of Light of Consciousness, the meaning of this great statement is "I am the Supreme Light"


The word “SAKSHI BAVA STHITHI” is a state where all the humans should experience to avoid the disturbances facing in the real world. All the saints, guru's, Scientists and all analysts cautioning the human's to follow the spirituality in their daily life.

But it is impossible now days to feel the great experiences, so I want to give a formula which can guide you get this experience. Every human see's trees, cars, birds, animals, temples, grave yards, violence, cinemas and thinks on those he or she watches in daily life.

Actual the fact is all the surroundings are filled with thoughts which are called senses like love, violence, jealous etc. A human cannot be sitting 2 minutes silence without any thoughts disturbance. Some spiritual organizations tell to control your self to not to get thoughts into the mind, here mind is nothing but collection of thoughts.

But what I learn from an organization so called "Oneness University", please don't control your thoughts coming into the mind your self. I mean just see all the thoughts which are traveling into your mind.
Actually the man himself cannot give green signal to the thoughts, for example we get different positive types of thoughts when we visit temples, spiritual places, and green parks. But when we visits violent places, films, grave yards etc... Will get all negative thoughts scariness, lusty etc.

So my suggestion and formula is just watch the thoughts coming into the mind", I mean if you sitting on the railway platform, you watch all the trains going here and there, some stops at station and some runs through the tracks. The passenger just watches the trains, but he doesn’t sit in to each train which stops at station.

In the same way, we should just watch the thoughts coming into our mind, don't touch them, don't interact with them as you might excite, leave it them selves as they cannot stay more time at our mind. So you should be witness the thoughts as an third person. This is so called “SAKSHI BAVA STHITHI”