
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Four Priniciples of Reaching Enlightenment

1. "Prajnaanam Brahma"

Prajnaanam Brahma expresses the truth of universal consciousness as Supreme Divinity. This is expressed in the indirect third person or a generalized, unparticularised declaration of the highest truth-wisdom. It is called Svaruupa Lakshana Vaakya or the statement defining the very nature or essence of Brahman - the Light Supreme. The dawn of this wisdom signifies living in Saalokyam - in the all-embracing spiritual consciousness. Sah + lokya: The one who is to be fully comprehended and its realization is expressed as "I am in the light of supreme consciousness". The light enveloping the individual and every other entity in the cosmos is Prajnaanam - the illumination of total awareness.

2. “Ayam Aathma Brahma”

Ayam Aathma Brahma brings us close to Divinity. It is thus comparable to Saameepya Mukthi, which is the state where we are freed from worldly thoughts and when all thoughts dwell only on the Divinity Supreme. This declaration revolves around the meditation on Thejas as the illuminating Shiva Consciousness. "That Light is in Myself'- is the ineffable experience of a spiritual practice called, Jyothir Dhyaana; internalising the vision of the radiant Sadhaa-Shiva-Principle or Linga installed within oneself.

3. Thath Thvam Asi (Thou art That)

The spiritual aspirant for liberation or Mumukshu is directly addressed in the second person singular case and told, in no uncertain terms, that, he and the Divinity are one and the same. It corresponds to the realization that, the Light of Supreme Divinity and the Light of Consciousness within are identical: "I and the Light are the same". Thath Thvam Asi is symbolised by the Jnaana Lingam, the high water mark of realizing the supreme knowledge or Brahma Vidhya. It is repeated nine times - nine being the representation of Parabrahma so that one is established firmly in the conviction that he is not the body, not the senses, not the mind, not the bundle of Vaasanas or the ego-self He is nothing but Divinity, The Supreme Self

4. Aham Brahma Asmi

It is then stated that Brahman knew Itself as "I am Brahman" "Aham Brahmaasmi". When It knew Itself as Brahman, It became the Supreme All in All "Thasmaath Thath Sarvamaabhavath". Then, the Upanishath declares that the one who realizes the import of this great truth becomes himself the All-in-All. It is so even now with respect to the demi-Gods, Rishis and humans. Even the demi-Gods cannot prevent the human from becoming this All-in-All, for the human Self has become their own Self! In terms of the analogy of Light of Consciousness, the meaning of this great statement is "I am the Supreme Light"

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